Tuesday 14 June 2011

Natasha Suri biography Hot Photos Biography Videos

Natasha Suri biography
what she wants to do with her life.She has an elder and a younger sister,who are also in Showbiz. She is very family oriented and is extremely attached to her mother who she considers to be her strength and inspiration.She is very fond of music, especially old film numbers,pop and hip-hop stuff. She loves to read, is an adept dancer with interests in freestyle contemporary form of dance and if you throw in her abilities in the kitchen, you have pretty much the complete Indian woman. Natasha is a believer in God as much as she is in her own abilities. As the saying goes that achievers start early, Natasha Suri is no stranger to winning beauty contests. She has won Navy Queen,Miss Maharashtra,Get gorgeous-1 and many more contests before Participating in the Miss India pageant. No doubt, her experience at walking the ramp and winning beauty pageants gave her the necessary poise and confidence reaching as far as she did.Suri has been approched by several filmakers and has received dozens.
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 Hot Actress Natasha Suri Hot
Hot Actress Natasha Suri Hot
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